Welcome to the world of ELLA MOONG – your gateway to lunar inspiration.
Founded by a young artist and moon enthusiast, we embrace to MOON LOVERS Worldwide .

Our collection features a range of clothing, décor, and accessories inspired by the moon, rooted in authenticity, self-expression, and uniqueness.
Join us in celebrating the celestial symbol that UNITES US all.


Moonshine [the KIT]

As the change sets in
We have lost our way
As the game begins
We are found again
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Moon Muse [Olafur Eliasson]

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Space news

Astronomers Detect Milky Way’s 2nd-Largest Known Black Hole

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Moon Astronomy Guide

  1. Lunar Phases: The moon's phases are the different appearances of the moon as viewed from Earth due to the changing angles between the Earth, moon, and sun. The phases include New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and Waning Crescent.
  2. Eclipses: Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth passes between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon. Solar eclipses happen when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, blocking sunlight from reaching parts of the Earth. These celestial events occur when the moon, Earth, and sun align in specific ways.
  3. Lunar Cycles: The lunar cycle, or synodic month, is approximately 29.5 days long, during which the moon goes through its phases. The moon's orbit around Earth is not perfectly circular, leading to variations in its distance from Earth and the duration of its cycles. Additionally, the moon has a sidereal month, which is about 27.3 days and represents its orbit around Earth relative to the stars.
  4. Lunar Libration: Lunar libration refers to the slight rocking or tilting motion of the moon as seen from Earth. This phenomenon allows observers to see slightly more than 50% of the moon's surface over time, revealing areas that are normally hidden from view due to the moon's synchronous rotation.
  5. Moon Illusions: The moon can appear larger when it's near the horizon compared to when it's high in the sky, an optical illusion known as the "moon illusion." This effect is not fully understood but may be influenced by factors such as the presence of foreground objects and the perception of depth in the sky.
  6. Lunar Geography: The moon's surface features include craters, mountains, plains, and valleys, formed by impacts from asteroids and comets over billions of years. The largest and most well-known lunar feature is the dark, flat regions called maria, which are ancient volcanic plains.
  7. Tidal Forces: The moon's gravitational pull not only causes Earth's ocean tides but also creates tidal forces that affect the solid crust of the Earth. These tidal forces can cause the Earth's crust to bulge slightly in response to the moon's gravitational influence, leading to phenomena such as Earth tides and tidal locking.

Moon Facts

  1. Temperature Extremes: Moon temperatures range from over 100°C (212°F) in the day to -173°C (-280°F) at night, making it one of the solar system's most extreme environments.
  2. Moon's Influence on Earth: The moon's gravity stabilizes Earth's axial tilt, crucial for regulating climate and seasons, preventing chaotic variations without it.
  3. Lunar Water Ice: Water ice is found in shadowed craters near the moon's poles, a vital resource for future exploration and spacecraft fuel.
  4. Lunar Synchronicity: The moon always shows the same face to Earth due to synchronous rotation, hiding the far side or "dark side" from view.
  5. Lunar Atmosphere: Despite being described as airless, the moon has a thin exosphere of sparse gases like helium and hydrogen, extending a few kilometers above the surface.
  6. Lunar Distance: The average distance between Earth and the moon is about 384,400 kilometers (238,900 miles), varying slightly due to the moon's elliptical orbit.
  7. Lunar Gravity: The moon's gravity affects Earth's tides and rotation, causing rhythmic ocean movements and gradually slowing Earth's spin

Moon’s influence on People

  1. Cultural Significance: The moon is revered worldwide as a symbol of wisdom, mystery, and fertility, appearing in art, literature, and religious rituals.
  2. Mythology and Folklore: Ancient cultures worshipped lunar deities and crafted myths reflecting themes of love, transformation, and the eternal cycle of life.
  3. Religious Observances: Many religions incorporate lunar cycles into their calendars and rituals, with festivals and fasting practices tied to lunar phases.
  4. Agricultural Practices: Farmers plant crops according to lunar cycles, believing certain phases are better for planting, harvesting, or pruning.
  5. Tides and Fishing: Lunar phases influence Earth's tides, impacting marine life and guiding fishing patterns, with fishermen consulting lunar charts for optimal fishing times.
  6. Human Behavior: Some believe in the "lunar effect," claiming changes in mood, energy levels, and sleep patterns during specific lunar phases, though scientific evidence is inconclusive.
  7. Creativity and Inspiration: The moon has inspired artists, writers, and musicians throughout history, serving as a muse for paintings, poems, and melodies.
  8. Spiritual Connection: Practices like moon gazing and meditation allow individuals to tap into the moon's energy for spiritual growth and healing, fostering a deeper connection with the cosmos.

Moon Films & Documentaries

  1. "Moon" (2009): A science fiction film following a solitary astronaut's mysterious experiences on the moon.
  2. "For All Moonkind" (2020): A documentary exploring the moon's cultural and scientific significance.
  3. "The Moon" (2019): A BBC documentary series delving into the moon's formation and impact on Earth.
  4. "First to the Moon" (2018): The story of Apollo 8's historic orbit around the moon.
  5. "Moon Machines" (2008): A Discovery Channel series highlighting the engineering behind the Apollo program.
  6. "In the Shadow of the Moon" (2007): Interviews with Apollo astronauts reflecting on lunar exploration.
  7. "The Farthest: Voyager in Space" (2017): Explores Voyager's journey to the outer planets and beyond.
  8. "Lunar: Silver Star Story" (2017): A Japanese animated film following astronauts investigating lunar mysteries.
  9. "The Moon: Our Gateway to the Universe" (2018): National Geographic's exploration of the moon's role in space exploration.
  10. "Moonshot" (2009): A docudrama tracing the history of lunar exploration from ancient myths to modern science.